Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Today a lady made my car "crunch". Apparently she didn't get the memo that people going straight have the right-of-way over someone turning left. I honked, served and swore...but she continued to turn and then collide with my car. (By the way, the swearing didn't really do anything to prevent the impending hit as it came about a millisecond before the crunch.) The early opinion is that my car is totaled and that makes my heart break into a thousand pieces. Anyone who has a car well-loved and paid-off can understand my pain. The other pain is located in my head, neck and back. Ouch. The early opinion is that the next two days will be infinitely worse than the last two hours...so much to look forward to. I now have ouch back, neck, head and am without a car. Yea me.

P.S. Anyone who has been on "Piano Watch 2008" will be happy to know that I am now in possession of Grandma's piano. It might not be too late to become a concert pianist or maybe even a terribly-misunderstood-singer-songwriter.


Laurel Leaves said...

ZOMG! (The "Z" is for emphasis, or so an old friend tells me)

I am so sorry!! That is horrible! And yes, the next day is worse, sorry about that part.

I am going to DC on Thursday and wont be driving myself to the airport so if you find that you need a vehicle you are welcome to my jeep Thursday - Monday. (Although really they should get you a rental)

I am suprised the swearing didn't work. I mean it never works for me but you seem special.

I am glad you are alive and would like to go on the record as voting for you becoming a concert pianist /a terribly-misunderstood-singer-songwriter. If anyone can have it all it's you.

Feel better!
Amy Laurel

Peaceful Mommy Kayleen said...

Awwwww.... :'( Sniff. I'm glad you're ok, though. That's a really cute car, I'm sorry it's totaled! I hope your recovery goes well. Loves!

Sarah W. said...

Yucko! Sorry to hear about the crazy driver you and your car were introduced to! I do not like crazy drivers! I always thought swear words were like magic words. I'm glad you are ok... lots of ice packs and heating pads will be your friends!! Love you! Sarah Stone Widdison

Team Clark said...

Oh, Ann - that is so sad about your car!
I hope your insurance company takes good care of you (or hers, I guess).
And hooray about your new piano - that is AWESOME!

Jacqueline said...

Ahh! Ann, that sucks! Swearing always works, but I guess sometimes, it does fail. I hope all is well! I leave Utah in 48 days! We must do dinner.