Monday, June 25, 2012

Do you plan to eat broken glass?

I have no delusions of grandeur when I exercise. I am a little pudgier than I prefer, slower than I want to be and far less-attractive than I think I am when I am trying to get in my cardio. I am also sorry to say that I do not crave that workout; it's more of a Herculean task to get to do exercise than the energy I actually expend while exercising. Why? Because, I'm always trying to do "one more thing". I'll toss in one more load of laundry; send one more email; snooze one more time...which means I quickly eat up whatever time I allocated for exercise before the next thing I have to do (usually get to work on time). I also won't confess to a runner's high or adrenaline boost while pounding pavement or pumping iron. I'm usually counting down the minutes until it's over. While perfectly understanding the benefits of the cardio/strength/flexibility holy trifecta and can spout its virtues on a moment's notice...I loath the idea of the action if it's by myself. 

Once I'm committed to activity, I refuse to back away from the challenge and feel greater satisfaction over accomplishing something on my daily "To Do" list rather than the almighty "burn". The achy sensation I feel the next two days after a strong workout (whatever the genre) only annoys me that average activities remind me of the purposeful pain I've inflicted on myself in the name of fitness. I do like the subtle indentations of muscle (hard muscle carves are icky on girls - sorry) that come over consistent effort and I like not huffing and puffing after climbing the stairs at the office in heels. I do like that my heart/lungs/joints/muscles...and many other internal elements gain and maintain health from it all.
Ok, truthfully, I'm a social creature and more importantly, I'm a people-pleaser. If you agree to workout with me, I don't want to let you down. I have no qualms about dismissing solo workout dates with myself - mostly because I feel so damn conspicuous. "No one cares or is looking at you!" I say over and over to myself, but I don't really believe it...don't we all judge each other...just a little bit? So, this brings me to the point: The Gym. Urgh. One lovely benefit I have at work is a discounted gym membership. It's nice to know when I don't go, I don't pay as much. However, I am paying for it, and I shouldn't waste it. I just don't love all the grunting-sweating-thrusting masses. Who dresses up for the gym? Why is that guy wearing flip flops? Why are there two skin tones: pasty and fried? And, I'm sure that someone is, in fact, judging me. Welcome to my neurosis.

What I prefer is a trick. Get me outside, perhaps near water, let me plug in to whatever audio book I'm into and let me go. My favorite is to walk for hours. It's not terribly time-efficient, but maybe the decadence of stealing time is why I like it. Now, if you can add the dressing of a foreign land that I'm exploring, I'll walk until my feet beg for mercy. I like the outside and as it turns out, it's none-too-bad an option. Every non-snow month, I'm usually signed up for at least one outdoor race: 5k, 10k or half marathon. It's outside, it's with a buddy and I usually get a T-shirt or half-melted/heat-wilted food treat at the end. I have collected most of my running bibs and taped them on the inside of my pantry door as some kind of inspiration less? It doesn't work, but it's still fun to look at what I can do. Now, it's time (a little past) to start my training for my favorite hard thing: the Pink Half Marathon in October. It's all women, it's in Park City and I usually turn it into a mini vacation. It's hard as hell, but so satisfying. When people ask me if I plan to do a full marathon, I look at them as if they asked me if I like to eat broken glass. "What a bizarre question!" Oh well, they don't know any better.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer is hungry?

Hey there -

This will be short and sweet pitch for your help to feed hungry kids. Summertime means some additional stress for many families, but those who are already stretched thin, it gets a lot thinner. During the school year, children who meet state requirements can get one or two meals at school to supplement what their family can provide. In the summer, those programs close when the school does.

Did you know that your donation of $1 can stretch to $7 at the Utah Food Bank (by way of volunteers and donations)? Did you know that a few items from your pantry would make the difference between a lazy summer day and a hungry one?

The Utah Food Bank works in our state to try to fight hunger in Utah.
Here's a few highlights taken from the website:

Hunger in Utah

  • 1 in 10 Utahns, and 1 in 8 Utah children, lives in poverty.
  • An impoverished family of four makes about $22,000 a year to cover health care costs, shelter, food, and other household expenses.
  • Utah is ranked fourth in the nation for the highest rate of very low food security in the nation. About 400,000 Utahns risk missing one meal every day.   
  • More than 134,000 Utahns receive food stamps, and 63,000 eat dinner at a soup kitchen.
  • 1 in 7 Utah children is at risk of hunger, and nearly 40 percent receive free or reduced school lunch.

U.S. Census Bureau: Annual Social and Economic Supplement, 2009; Child Food Insecurity in the United States, 2005–2007; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Household Food Security in the United States, 2007; U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2005; Utahns Against Hunger, 2006; U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2004.

Would you be willing to give up the cash you'd spend on your snack at the vending machine, morning coffee or the equivalent of a night out to help shoulder the burden of feeding those who need your help? What about a work or neighborhood food drive? What about sharing your time to volunteer?

That's it from me on the topic.