Friday, August 15, 2008

Build your own

In southern California, a little frozen yogurt shop exists in Irvine on 17th Street. The Schrecks just call it "build your own". When you walk into the shop, you have to fight the crowd to get to the bank of yogurt dispensers. There are so many flavors. You stand there dazed but excited. Grab a sample cup and try a few - it's OK! Then determine the size of cup you're up to and fill it with goodness. I personally like the combination of a sweet and tart. Don't overdo it, you need room for your toppings. Next, you have nuts, candy, sauces, and fruit to choose from. Layer strategically as you want variety, but flavors should blend well. You might want to create "pockets" in the base of frozen yogurt to hide little treats you want, but may not go with the rest of the toppings you've selected. (Be warned that anything "gummy" seems tempting, but will not be a good combo with anything wet and frozen. ) Now, carefully move toward the cash register - you don't want to get bumped and spill toppings. Ah, the moment of truth. Put that masterpiece on the scale and get a hefty dose of reality as you realize that it's pay-by-the-ounce (another reason to go easy on the yogurt base and go for the less-dense toppings). You look at your treat and look at the expectant but wise sales girl and you realise you love your creation more than your greenbacks. You pay quickly (before buyer's remorse sets in), grab a spoon, napkins and find a seat - you may have to hover at a packed table or just head for the curb outside. Sit, eat, enjoy. Ahhhhhh!

The point of this little diatribe? Utah Valley citizens have now joined the millions who already "build their own". You can find your own little piece of heaven right here. They are not quite up to 17th Street , but I think all is well.

1 comment:

Laurel Leaves said...

mmmmm nummy. Where is this place of goodness that wants my money? I must go there at once!
