Sunday, January 13, 2008

My plan...

I remember adults telling me as a child “Time goes by faster as you get older.” Tell that to a kid waiting for Santa to come or an upcoming vacation and you might as well be telling her that one day she will not grow up to be a princess or ballerina; it doesn’t make any sense. Time does go by faster now that I am older. I feel like when I look up every once and awhile when I wasn’t paying attention, a month has passed. This year was no exception.

So, here I am at the start of a new year. I can’t say that I am one to make a big deal about New Year’s resolutions. I don’t believe that bad habits will disappear or good habits will appear simply because I decided to write it all down and posted it on the fridge or mirror. With that said, I also believe in new beginnings. It doesn’t matter if it’s the start of a new year or simply a new day – start with a plan and execute it.

I have a general idea of what I would like to do for 2008, but not exactly a plan. At the risk of sounding down-on-myself, I have a plan to make a plan for almost every area of my life. Does anyone have any good ideas for how to plan to make plans to make life a little better?


Melissa C said...

I like to just revel in the image of what life would be like, why worry about reality??? :)

Peaceful Mommy Kayleen said...


Great blog. :) When making goals, I like to start with where I'd like to be in such-and-such amount of time, then I break it down into yearly, monthly, weekly, daily bites. That makes it easier for me to chart my progress and to feel good about myself for what I accomplish each day. I can see myself steadily working towards a goal, instead of feeling like it's so far away I'll never reach it. BTW- my blog is if you want to check it out!