Amber, Matt and I decided to go somewhere special for New Year's Eve. After careful consideration (airfare and exchange rates), we ruled out Europe and opted for Canada. Vancouver is a beautiful city with European influences but an easy-NorthWest feeling.
We stumbled on to a great little place called Glowbal on our first night. It was chilly, but we sat out on the heated patio and watched the people, enjoyed the food and made some new friends.

As much as we wanted to sleep in, we were all up early and excited to see more of Stanley Park. We stopped at Sequoia Grill for brunch and then wandered around the ocean wall before leaving for Squamish on the way to Whistler.

Stanley Park

Squamish is a small town on the way to Whistler. It's charming, but not exactly a bustling looks like logging or brewing is what people do here for a living. Our little hotel is just off the "city center" and part of a local brewery (best micro of 2007). We're heading to bed now so we can take in a full day of skiing at Whistler tomorrow!

Stanley Park

Squamish is a small town on the way to Whistler. It's charming, but not exactly a bustling looks like logging or brewing is what people do here for a living. Our little hotel is just off the "city center" and part of a local brewery (best micro of 2007). We're heading to bed now so we can take in a full day of skiing at Whistler tomorrow!
Hey girl! I'm SO excited that you've set up a blog! Enough with the exclamation points now. Did you know that Eric and I honeymooned in Vancouver? We loved it, especially Victoria. There's also this fantastic little Italian restaurant over on the north west side that was to die for. Let me see if Eric remembers the name. Whistler was a blast. SURE LOVE YOU! And happy birthday (in case you didn't get my e-card yet).
Ummm, Ann... do you think you could be more hot if you tried!? Love you, lady!
Congratulations on entering the blogging world. Oh, and I have one too (sorry for not letting you know sooner). Ours is and we do share the same template....I always knew you had impecible taste!!! Anyway, it seems like you had a fabulous New Years! You look stunning in your gold-woven shirt. It was great to see you over the holiday. Do you still want to get together on Sunday? Let me know.
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